Integrated Campaign
We worked with the City of Denver throughout 2020 over multiple major elections, including Colorado’s first National Presidential Primary in 20 years, the State Primary, and the Presidential Election.
We had several challenges: How do we cut through the noise and typical messaging around voter campaigns to inspire and compel people, especially non-voters, to vote? How do we educate people around where and how to vote, vote early, or vote from home during a pandemic with unknowns ahead of us?
Research showed that people abstain from voting for a variety of reasons, but respond most when they care about the issues at hand, feel that empowered by voting, and believe f their vote counts.
We created a campaign with upbeat, positive images and diverse photography, focused our messaging on empowerment and the power of each vote, and worked with an Hispanic and Spanish-speaking strategist on insights and content transcription. Our integrated campaign included social, digital, video, and OOH.
The results were record-breaking in every election. For March’s Super Tuesday Election we drove 51% of the state’s active voters to participate. For the State Primary in June, voter turnout data was over 50%, and for the Presidential Election, we soared past our goal of 55% ballot returns to hit 73.6% on November 3.
Roles: Creative Director/Director/EP